

플링 카페

고객상담 바로가기 1644-4259

AM 10:00 ~ PM 18:00
점심 12:00 ~13:00

주말/공휴일 휴무

원격지원 1:1문의 FAQ


제목 confidence of english
작성자 elfinmh 작성일 2014.07.28 06:59 조회수 2716

I'm just a shiny common girl,that not reach,not pretty,and I'm even not good at studying and playing instrument.

I'm not good at everything.

In english class I always tired and dont listen carefully.

So every english class teacher scold me and I need to stand up for a 40minutes.

And when I have some english test I always got ......55scores.........

Ah,it's too bad.

So my mom search internet and she saw that many people says 플링is very good too children.

It's fun,it's interesting,and it give present.

Firt I  do 플링 because of present.

But when I do 플링,it make I'm confidence of english.

So I doing it.

I like it.

I'll do it when I can't do it.






-I love 플링-
